

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Feeling White and Nerdy

I was going to write a blog about music and how it's lately been inspiring my art-- however as I was looking through some concert pictures I got sidetracked by the how pale I am...

I know, totally random (as most things with me are) and completely vain and aesthetic... If you would like to skip this blog entry today, you are more than welcome!

Maybe the biggest reason I noticed my part-albino heritage (Welsh and Irish) today is because of my concert buddy, Tim.

Mr. Timothy Schmimothy (real name), is the type of guy who can go to Coachella in the dessert for four days days, be outside most of the time, fall asleep in the sun, and decide to put sunscreen only on his face the very last day and NOT GET BURNED! Instead he comes back with a tan so awesome, he would make cheerleaders and orange-handed women alike sob for days.

I, on the other hand, gets super bad, red, long-lasting sunburns through my shirt!!... and if I stand too close to lights... and when the moon is out... And the glare from my phone.... Ok, I'm joking, just the first one is true, but seriously, through a shirt?!?

Anyways, here's the picture that sparked a really dopey blog entry. We had just seen Sigur Ros-- they're this flipping amazing band from Iceland which inspires my art from time to time. There, I totally blogged what I originally planned... Sigh

I just - can't! *runs away laughing or crying*

Ok, I'll go now. Have a great rest of your day! 😄

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