

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Warning- The Following is Kinda Gross

Well hello there.

I may have mentioned that I started a youtube channel for my makeup art.

Some of the videos will be normal makeup videos such as natural looks and special occasions. Other videos will be costume or stage type makeup jobs. And of course, there's the GORE.

Back in the fall of last year as I was eating a bagel at my favorite cafe on campus, I overheard some film students mentioning the need for a makeup artist. I wasn't eavesdropping, that was the only word I heard. I immediately spun around and said "Makeup artist? I'm a makeup artist!"

This led to a 20 minute discussion about their horror-slasher inspired short film. The guy told me that they needed someone who could "create gore." Like, cuts, burns, bruises, faces getting ripped off, etc. The only kind of experience I had with special effects makeup was maybe this one day in high school drama class (eight years ago) but otherwise I knew zilch. I also don't watch scary movies. I'm afraid of them. I had literally nothing going for me in the field of Gore Makeup so I told them "I'm sure I can figure something out."

That evening after a full day of school and a long train ride home, I played around with whatever makeup I had for about 20 minutes to create some "gore." The following is the result.

SFX Makeup by me
I used all sorts of luxury brand and cheap makeup. I blended Kat Von D's Mi Vida Loca palette colors for the bruising, some of Urban Decay's Naked 2 Palette, Makeup Forever lip gloss for the blood, and so on.

The next morning I texted my "school-husband," Noah the above picture and wrote "Some crack addict just attacked me on the train!" I knew my friend Noah, a laid back guy, would appreciate the prank more than say, my family. 

I believe poor Noah responded with something to the effect of "Oh %@$&!" and other condolences. 

After being fully prepared to walk into class and tell our professor "Yeah, Claire's not gonna make it to class today...." Noah strolled in, saw me looking normal and his reaction was priceless. 

He first thought I had sent him an old picture of a random injury, then he thought I had makeup on to cover it, I finally convinced him that the whole thing was a prank and I just wanted to know if it looked real or not. Mission: Accomplished. (And don't worry, Noah liked the prank. None of Noah's feelings were harmed during the making of said prank.)

So, I never did hear back from the short film guy, but he is the one who got me started in this so for that I am grateful.

In the following weeks, I used more of my art friends as models to gore up and I've been doing it ever since whenever I have the time.

The video above was made around February for my painting class homework. (our homework was pretty laid back with what was considered "painting"). I needed more practice with gore effects so I used myself as a model. I created the cuts and blood entirely on my own without any sort of SFX or Halloween kit. The video features Jasper the Cat for a brief period, my chipmunk voice, and I nearly poke my own eye out with scissors (not really). 

I am entirely self taught in the Gore Special Effects Makeup field, So I experiment A LOT! I don't use prosthetics or professional SFX kits, I just make it up as I go along.

So check out my youtube channel for more videos (gore and normal makeup), like, comment, subscribe, tell your friends and feel free to send video requests!!!

Also, my friend Noah is single... And straight. For reference on his appearance, you can see him getting tortured on my youtube channel. So, um, date him? (He asked me to tell this to "the ladies")

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