

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Autumn Update from Claire and Jasper the Cat

Well, hello.

Wanted to let you all know that I have not died and Jasper is the same grumpy-pants he always is. (see above)

I miss blogging. I hope to do more of it in the coming weeks-- especially since fall, my favorite season,  is in full swing! 

Also, as many of you have seen my special effects makeup, with halloween just around the corner, I hope to put aside time for makeup tutorials and the like on my youtube.

BIG ANNOUNCEMENT TIME- I am attending school in Mid October. I know what you're thinking, "Didn't you graduate?" Yes, I did graduate with a degree in studio art just this past May. I'm attending a makeup-only school so I can use my artsy creative skills and ridiculously steady hands to be a pro makeup artist. This does not mean that I'll be stopping my art! I cannot live without creating paintings and silly comics. In fact, if I haven't posted anything in a while, bug me about it.

Makeup is an amazing creative outlet for me. Creating paintings and drawings to sell can be isolating. Makeup allows one to interact with people, bounce ideas off each other and ultimately give that person the confidence to take on the world! Makeup is empowering. Some people don't want to wear makeup, and that's ok. Some people get a confidence boost when they wear their favorite eyeshadow color, or rock a red lip. Makeup is all about expressing yourself. It's just like wearing certain clothes or listening to a song to pump you up for the day. I couldn't be more excited to pursue it as a career. (especially if I can get one zombie or horror movie in my resume)

In other news, Jasper the Cat turned six in August! He celebrated by snoozing all day.

I will try to update and write more frequently. Follow me on the social media sites linked to your right and have a great day!

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