

Friday, July 13, 2012

Finally: Spirited Away - Prints are 50% off for a limited time!

"Spirited Away" -Enchanted Visions Project
Size: ~6.5x9 inches
Medium: Watercolors
©2012 Claire Nobles
For sale: $12.00 (But will be $6 or 50% off for a limited time only!) Click Here
If you've been following me since the beginning of 2012, you might remember this painting from my "Slightly Eccentric Tutorials." Well, I finally got my computer fixed and was able to scan it in and print it! 

I have to admit, I painted this when I was really sick (I think I had a sinus infection) and I did at least all the base work in the first day. The results amaze me because it appears that when I'm not thinking clearly, my creativity gets unleashed to its fullest potential and holds nothing back. Had I been healthy that day, this possibly would have been a much more simple painting. So I guess my point is that I need to get sick more often? Good job Claire. *walks away muttering to self*

Weirdness aside, it will be available as a 8.5x11 print for only $6.00, rather than the usual $12 for a limited time only. That's 50% off! Also, my other new painting I released this week, "Fairy Cat" has also been marked down to 50% off for a limited time. Both will be available at my Etsy Shop in the SALE Section. So for a short time, you could get both these prints for the price of one! Hoo-ray!

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