

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Kittens are Not Dependable Alarm Clocks

Hoo-ray for comic panels!
Jasper the Cat and I had this agreement going for a while during the school year when I had to wake up at 4:30 every morning. He would consistently wake me up around 5am if I wasn't already up and either meow incessantly, slam doors (don't ask me how a cat slams a door) or crawl on me until I got up. 

This used to be pretty useful for days when I was slow to get out of bed. I like being a morning person, but try as I might, I cannot get myself out of bed without help from usually another person (or cat) and at LEAST 2 different alarms that I ignore and hit snooze repeatedly all the while I dream that my alarms are really polka-dots (totally dreamed that).
The inner workings of Claire's mind can be frightening.

Anyways, two months into summer vacation, Jasper is still Mr. Dependable Wake Mommy Up At 5am... He also has become a night owl (due to my staying up late if I don't have to get up early) and now he only sleeps between the hours of 3:00am-3:15am. This would not do.

I decided that I would need to (just like with humans) fix his sleep cycle. For the past 48 hours, I have not let him sleep at all during the day. It helped that I had two days off to do this. If I saw him taking a catnap, I threw a cat toy at him and made him play. I also annoyed him, poked him, made him look out windows, sang loudly at him, chased him around the house, played with him, gave him catnip, let him explore dresser drawers and closets, and danced with him (also while singing loudly). By yesterday evening, he was out like a light and hiding behind a bunch of dark colored pillows as a way of blending in. Jasper usually likes to sleep only on all white/beige materials, so this was a good sign.
I'm explorin'! No girls allowed!
Last night I planned on going for a run this morning at 6am. I figured my 12 alarm clocks and Jasper would surely wake me up. As it was, 10:00am rolled around and Jasper was sleeping on my face. Yes, I'm dead serious, on 'mah FACE! Jasper usually sleeps on my bed, but he always sleeps down at my feet (to attack them). He was also taking up a good portion of my two pillows. When I nudged him groggily, he was just simply purring at me!?!? Purring as if nothing delighted him more in the whole world than to be laying on *my* face. I wondered momentarily if some other cat came in the middle of the night and took Jasper's place, since this was clearly not my cat. My cat does not snuggle on faces. I drew a one-panel comic to illustrate.

So while the plan to get the baby-- I mean cat-- to sleep through the night worked, I can no longer use him as an alarm clock. Though I did get a wonderful night's sleep and shall continue to make sure his sleep cycle conforms to mine! Bwahahahha!

Btw, slightly on topic, though not the point, I *did* go on a run this morning, however it was four hours later than intended. *shrug*

Thanks for dealing with my oddities! I know I have been drawing a lot of comics lately and not releasing actual art... That's only because I take a picture of the comics with my cellphone, and with large paintings and drawings, I must scan those in and take hours of getting things adjusted right. Your patience will be rewarded with new art soon, I promise!

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