

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The Fox Says YOLO (Coz She, Also Likes to Live Dangerously)

The Fox Says... ©2014
Well, mystery solved.

Above is my new design available at my shop as prints, cards, throw pillows, tote bags, onesies, and clothing for adults and kids.

After months of internal debate sparked by the Ylvis Song "What Does the Fox Say," I finally found out.

Throwable Art!!!

I was driving home around midnight (past my bedtime) and this crazy thing happened to me. I know this sounds like the start of a young adult novel with wizards and vampires, but I'm not making this up, I promise.

As I drove up this hill, in the dead of night, I was humming that ridiculously catchy song and trying to think of a corresponding art piece to make. So out of no where, a Fox, yes, a real FOX, runs across the road causing me to brake and maybe, possibly scream like the teenager. I didn't hit him or her, so don't worry, this isn't a story about me killing a wild animal-- thank goodness! So I was able to witness the little orange adorableness sort of notice me, decide he or she didn't care and ultimately flee into the bushes.

Get this shirt to show Shirt-Readers how Bad Ass you really are. Tell them Claire sent you.

I took this bit of magic as a sign (coz why not). Animals seem to love running in front of people's cars. Not sure if they're being dared by their animal friends or just doing it for the thrill. (I jest.)

Many teenagers, young people and hipsters seem to also fall into this idea of dare-devilry and sum it up in one ridiculous word which, let's be perfectly clear, is a dumbed down version of Carpe Diem: YOLO.

Take your new attitude with you and show people how you live: with this tote bag- ONCE!

To the people who have been spared from the stupidity, Y.O.L.O. stands for You Only Live Once.

It's a phrase I love to hate. And I'm being decidedly hipster about this phrase by only using it ironically. Though in fact, it's not hipster to point out that you're being hipstery, but then again screw hipsters. Go form opinions that aren't based on forced irony, you uncreative, insufferable, bowler hat-wearing, unicycle-riding embarrassments to society! But god, I love your flair for style, politics, environmentalism, feminism, beards and bowler hat-wearing. But I'm not trying to be ironic.

For the times that your hipster self needs no explanation necessary, just walk away (while presumably wearing this hoodie.... It comes in other colors.)

So spread the word! Tell people your story! Stay up past your bedtime, because you also like to live dangerously! Shout it from rooftops! And above all, try not to fall off of the the rooftop you were shouting from-- after all you do seriously live once, unless we get reincarnated, but if we do, we clearly have no knowledge or scientific evidence of this supposed past life or lives so it all seems kind of pointless to assume that it's a great privilege to live as a banana slug in your next life but if you truly theorize that we only live once, you may want to try and actually *stay alive* during that allotted time because otherwise even if there is an afterlife in heaven, do you honestly want to be the one who climbed a roof coz your friends were telling you to do it (because YOLO!) and you plummeted to your death at the young age of 22?

*slow claps*

Be cooler than your friends and get a sticker!
My point is: You probably, most likely only live once. Make good decisions that don't involve risking your life --unless it's to impress others.

(As usual, don't take me too seriously, I jest.)

Have a great rest of your lunch!
And Carpe Diem!

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