

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Nail Party! (All painstakingly painted by me)

I meant to post this MONTHS ago when it happened, but I guess I just forgot with school and life happening. Anyhoo, this is a slightly girly day that happened with two of my friends, Alexandra and her sister Jess. I wanted to cheer up Alexandra, so I told her that I wanted to bring her flowers, but since I had been obsessed with nail polish, I'd bring that over instead... All the nail art is done 100% by me with ONLY the use of the brushes that came with the particular bottle. This took me over two hours for both girls.

Hand #1- Alex (the middle finger has hearts and the ring we dubbed her "Drag Queen Nail" since I glued extra rhinestone flowers and sparkles on it) 

Alex's Hand #2 - The pointer has a free-hand painted flower and the pinky is her "Irish Finger" 

Possibly due to the nail polish fumes, I decided I would paint a miniature wizard. Very hard to make out-- it took about 17 layers and I even mixed colors a few times.  It's a wizard in a blue pointy hat with a blue cloak with star patterns and he's holding a magical wand/staff. I have no idea to this day how I got the dots for the eyes so perfect.
Side note: I proceeded to scream "You Shall Not PASS" in a tiny high-pitched chipmunk voice the rest of the day to pay tribute to Gandalf's sad scene in Lord of the Rings..... (nail fumes, I swear!)

 DRAGON!! I figured if Jess had a wizard on one hand, she should have a balrog on the other.... But Alas, I went with a dragon. The dragon has a red eye and is spewing fire from his mouth (as dragons tend to do...)

Happy Buddha. This buddha turned into a "WAZZAPPP Buddha" when Alex made me laugh about something as I was painting him... Also since we didn't wait for him to completely dry, when we put the top coat on, he smeared a bit. =/ 

Alex's manicure 

Jess' Manicure --Also on the thumb, I did a little campfire, no idea why, and we never got a great picture of it though... (dragon is upside-down)

Jess' Manicure (hand two- the wizard is upside-down) 

Jess with her pretty nails

The sisters with their pretty nails!

Thanks for reading! And I know this looks cute, but I am not pursuing a career in manicures, this was just for fun. So don't ask me! Have a happy rest of your Sunday!

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