

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Spirited Away in a Day of Painting

I decided for some silly reason to challenge myself today while I'm really sick... The challenge was for me to create a painting start to finish in one day. Somehow, the idea poured out of my pencil onto my watercolor paper and became exactly as I envisioned it start to finish. The piece was a challenge because of my cold, but I think that added to the spontaneity and charm of the piece. *cough*

I would like to start doing the One Day Method for all my paintings in the future... But sometimes, there's just no time. I know if I had stopped part way through then it would have probably taken a few weeks for me to get back to it... We'll see how it goes, it's a new year.

The piece is named "Spirited Away" for the Enchanted Visions Project. If you haven't checked out their site, do it now!! I was trying to think of a name for the piece, when I remembered the EV title that I thought I would never be able to imagine a painting for, it fit perfectly. I couldn't possibly change it.

I have been greatly inspired by the works of Stephanie Pui-Mun Law and this piece is about as close as I can get to her breathtaking works. I received her art book of the Minor Arcana for my birthday, and have been pouring over her brushstrokes, imagination and style. I hoped to create something half as beautiful as her pieces.

The result is very lovely, if I can say that about my own work. I am far too exhausted and needing sleep to scan the finished product right now, but I will try very hard to get to it tomorrow so you all can see the finished piece! I'm going to need a lot of hot tea and rest now....