

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Missing Out on My Friend's Awesomeness but Not on Girl Scout Cookies

Boy, have I been missing out on some super cool art! Since I have been away from the art world and media for a little while, I haven't seen some of my artist friend, Crystal Moore's new art in a while! And now she has an abundance of it! My friend Crystal Moore is a super rad fantasy artist. She paints mainly in watercolors and inks. Just thought I'd share some of her newer, older, and experimental-gone-all-the-way-right works! Check out her website and Like her on Facebook!

Crystal's work is lovely. With glowing figures and colorful pallets her art shows a bright inner light that few other artists can replicate. What I love most about Crystal's work is the fact that every time she does something out of her comfort zone or when she just doodles mindlessly, she produces extraordinary things. Of course, I usually get a "behind the scenes" dose of whatever she is working on. I love hearing about her experiences. She is one of the hardest working artists I know. She is constantly experimenting and improving her craft. Make sure to give her some love and check out her art below!

The following artwork in this entry is by Crystal Moore. As with my artwork, there are to be no unauthorized reproductions, ©Copyright 2013 Crystal Moore, 

Zentangle Raven by Crystal Moore 
A super rad mermaid by Crystal Moore 

I nearly fell out of my chair when I saw this-- one of my favorite pieces by her!
Just wanted to share some of Crystal's awesomeness! Please check out her website and facebook, tell her I sent you. She is a really nice person and actually responds to your comments and love!


In other news, this is the first year that Girl Scouts have hunted me! I got stalked at a grocery store where I gave them all my money, then Mr. Timothy Schmimothy brought me two more boxes while I was sick, then my own personal Girl Scout, Rebecca facebooked me and threatened me (so I'm getting two more boxes).

Gotta say, it has been refreshing not having to hunt down Girl Scouts this year! Thanks guys for force-feeding me Girl Scout Cookies!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Claire.... You're such a doll. ^_^ Thanks for such sweet words and sharing my works. I'm walking on clouds now and honestly don't even know what to say. Thanks for the love. It means more than you know.
    Oh- and watch out for thin mints! Ration them otherwise you'll sit down and scarf a whole box and not even realize it! Oh and don't put them in your ice cream. It's disgusting ! ;)
